About Navor Realty

Veronica Navor; Principal Real Estate Broker started her real estate career in 1987. She immediately put her license to work and sold many properties in the resale market. She then embarked into new subdivisions and sold many more houses. Veronica also worked with a municipality in the housing department and facilitated homeownership too many low to moderate income clients. Veronica secured funding and assisted step by step to either purchase, build or rehabilitate houses through the Self Help Program, USDA Rural Development Program and CDBG Programs, including grant funds for handicap accessible structures for the elderly and disabled.

During the 2008 housing crises Veronica chose to work for a nonprofit Fair Housing HUD agency. She provided mortgage modifications, landlord tenant mediations, fair housing, rental and first time buyer counseling for Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. Many clients were assisted in keeping their homes and educated in knowing their housing rights and responsibilities. 

  Veronica was also an Advocate for the building industry as she audited cities and school districts for reasonable and justifiable mitigation, impact and service fees. Veronica continually met with real estate developers and government administrators to determine future goals and trends for Imperial and Riverside Counties. One of the main objectives was to promote the economic strength that home building industry provides our community and region.

Aside from real estate Veronica has helped many families, businesses and job seekers throughout her career. She lead a highly successful job placement program assisting inmates transition back into the community. Established and supervised a county wide Job Development team which included rapid response crises assistance and veteran services. Veronica also managed housing shelters for abused women and their children. Her goal in all of these positions was to provide the needed assistance with resources, shelter and a direction to transition from a crises situation to self sufficiency.   

Veronica’s very broad knowledge in real estate and the housing arena plus her passion and commitment to her clients are what motivated her to establish Navor Realty. “NAVOR REALTY FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS!” is not only her motto but what her work history and experience have provided her clients.